Screw Conveyor Manufacturer in Delhi


Screw Conveyor Manufacturer in Delhi

Sawhney Industries in Delhi focus on the production of screw conveyors used in the bulk materials’ industry for the efficient transport of material such as dust and grain.

Sawhney Industries, one of the leading screw conveyor manufacturer in Delhi offered screw conveyors are carefully designed and manufactured using the finest mild steel or stainless-steel materials to ensure superior durability and great functionality. The speed of this screw conveyor is controlled by rotating the shaft to deliver a measured amount of material into the process. Affordable screw conveyors are the industry’s well-known cost-effective approach to complete and efficient material handling, available in standard and custom sizes.

Features of screw conveyor

  • Long service life
  • Consumes less floor space
  • Pulp and paper industries
  • Outstanding performance
  • Corrosion resistance
  • Rugged construction

Advantages of screw conveyors

  • Withstands very high temperatures
  • Simple design and quiet operation
  • Robust design with long service life
  • Low space requirement
  • Very compact and suitable for small spaces
  • Easy to move to other locations
  • Load-free service
  • Easy to clean
  • Fully enclosed while the ongoing process which maintains cleanliness
  • Suitable for horizontal and vertical transport due to its flexibility
  • Can be used to mix different products and grind large chunks
  • Efficiently conveys free-flowing and non-free-flowing bulk materials
  • Can have multiple inlets and outlets

Our experts provide a high level of user training and maintenance advice to assure that your systems run smoothly with the least interruption and downtime.